2024 – 29th Rally Maroc Classic
ETAPE 2 : IFRANE – IFRANE / lundi 4 mars 2024
With an hotel like the Michlifen, and so that participants can enjoy the hotel during a relaxing afternoon, we have designed this second stage of the Morocco Classic in a loop, with a fairly short route around Ifrane. Among the 187 km to be covered, the competitors did not fail to cross the monumental cedar forests of the Middle Atlas where we had arranged to meet the numerous monkeys who had taken up residence there.
Three regularity tests were scheduled. A first special, straight out of bed, unique to get to Ras El Ma and its thousand-year-old trees, the second, well known to Rally regulars, was the longest of the rally with numerous gear changes making the task arduous, and finally the third which marked our return to Ifrane via Lake Dayat Aoua and a challenge traced on a circuit where being attentive to reading the roadbook remained the key to appearing in the ranking.
This stage therefore offered rather selective tests, with a temperature close to 0°C to begin before the sun and an immaculate blue sky warmed up the lunar landscapes of this Middle Atlas that we love so much.
For Regularity aficionados, the results now include the “joker” event removing the worst result in the special and which, this evening, will have reshuffled the cards among the main favorites!
Of course the rally is still very long and nothing is done! We’ll see you tomorrow in the direction of Erfoud, where we will sleep in a bivouac, with our feet in the dunes!